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Cat Health Issues And What To Do About Them?


It is important that you give your cat the appropriate vaccinations on a regular basis. These vaccinations will help your cat to fight off any bugs or disease which may invade its body. Two of the most important vaccinations against diseases affecting cats are rabies and feline leukemia/thrush. Rabies is easily spread among the cat population especially through bite wounds. Some cats get rabies from eating bats or contaminated objects which usually happens in the wild.

It is advisable that you seek veterinary assistance for cat illness or injury at the first sign of any trouble. Most common cat illnesses can be diagnosed by a visit to the veterinarian. Many cats die each year at the hands of their owners due to simple conditions, without ever getting the proper medical attention. A trip to the veterinarian can save your cat's life, and it is often covered by insurance. Make sure that you keep up with your pet's annual shots, and remember that a cat does not need a yearly physical because they rarely get sick.

Dental Care For indoor-only cats The typical dental care routine includes feeding, clipping, de-worming, brushing and annual inspections. Indoor-only cats are given a flea and tick protection which should be applied on a monthly basis according to the manufacturer's instructions. This flea and tick sprays are only effective if they are used daily for three months on a continuous basis. A cat with a dental problem should have an exam by a licensed veterinarian every six to eight weeks. If your cat has had an emergency such as a broken tooth or a severely damaged tooth, you should call your veterinarian immediately for care that is quick and affordable.

Veterinary Care And The Prevention Of Diseases Many illnesses can be prevented through proper veterinary care and the administration of vaccinations. There are vaccinations against distemper, rabies, leptospirosis, heartworm, bordatella, hepatitis, Distemper, parvovirus, parainfluenza, influenza, and a host of other bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. Pets should be checked daily for physical stimulation and for signs of illness including swelling and redness of the face, eyes, ears and mouth. An ounce of prevention goes a long way in keeping your cat healthy.

The Prevention Of Parasitic Infections In domestic cats that have been infected with intestinal parasites, spaying or neutering is essential in preventing the re-infestation of these parasites. Parasites are transmitted by means of animals, insects and humans. Cats that are living in unsanitary conditions are particularly susceptible to parasitic infection. When feline infectious diseases are present in an area, there are precautions that need to be taken to prevent re-infection. Cats that have intestinal parasites should be evaluated for treatment and should be treated before any other cat in the household becomes infected.

Caring For Your Kitten Health and well being depend on you. It is up to you to ensure a healthy environment for them from birth to adulthood. By taking responsibility for your cat and ensuring that it has a safe and healthy home you will help ensure their long and healthy life span. You can also read about lykoi cat 


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